Tribute Wall
kathy and mike torpey posted a condolence
Sunday, April 24, 2011
my mother loved to read extensively about every subject.
my mother loved to write poems, stories, plays, letters to the editor, and lesson plans.
She loved to teach acting, singing, piano, appreciation of nature, (environment and all god's creatures) cooking, water skiing, sewing and other crafts.
it seems fitting that we are writing this on Easter Sunday because what she loved most of all was combining reading, writing and teaching on the subject of Christianity. She really studied the Bible, and enjoyed preparing and teaching sunday school to both adults and children,
participating in follower's groups and other bible studies lead by others, and supporting her church by her prayers, her presence, her gifts, and her service. we all miss you very much and will endeavor to follow in your footsteps here on earth.
kathy and mike
mary fran posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Gramma, I miss you so much. I have so many wonderful memories of spending time with you sewing, making animals out of shells, feeding the ducks in the lagoon. As I got older I appreciated even more all the love and effort you put into taking care of your husband and your family, and being a wonderful hostess. You and Grampa set the gold standard of living a life of faith. I learned so much from you and I hope you know how much I love you.
Pierre Sirven posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Gramma was a great lady. I am so proud to be part of her family. She is our lighthouse, helping us finding the good path thru our life.
Janice Mannal posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dear Kathy, Brooke & Priscilla,
I was saddened to see your Mother's death notice in today's Inquirer. I have lots of happy memories of your parents and 17th st. I will do my best to get to her services on Friday.
Jane Howey Pape posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
To the family I send my thoughts and prayers. Your Mother and Father were such a large part of PUMC when we were growing up; and I believe she was also involved in girl scouting for a while way back when. But what I remember the most, is how she was always a lady, (ok for the younger set, actions, white gloves and the whole nine yards)but also she was gracious to everyone and in everything she was involved in. A person we all looked up to! May the Lord be with you all as you "Celabrate her life", and always remember the good times, the smiles and the laughter. Blesings.
Jane Howey Pape
Liz Sirven posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
In 1992, my Gramma Rae-Louise printed a booklet of her poems, entitled "Brief Stay."
Here is the title poem:
This is no tree-stump merely
It is a way-station for a bird
one instant poised there,
A twitch of feathers
off he flutters
Waits for another winged pause.
This is a body only,
A stop-over for a soul immortal from heaven to heaven bound.
Liz Sirven posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
Gramma was always cultivating and creating, whether in her jardin or her kitchen, in front of her sewing machine, typewriter or her piano bench. She taught me to love music and singing. She taught me many things, the names of birds and flowers, classic music, art, how to make a seven layer salad and an angel food cake.
I loved her bunches (as she used to say to me), and I miss her dearly.
Gabriel Sirven posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
Nanny, I am sorry that you went away. But it's good for you because you will see Pop-Pop. And when I will go away, I will see you too in a long time but that's okay.
Did you know that I love you with all, all, all, all, all my heart?
Marie Sirven posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
Nanny was so calm, so beautiful, loved the beach, and most of all she loved Pop-Pop.
She loved the sound of the ocean, seashells, and the Atlantic Ocean.
She had a great life. It was time for her to pass on. She waited for my Mom to call and soon after she passed on. She wanted to a little bit, to see Pop-Pop and God.
She prayed a lot to God. For her, it was just the beginning. We miss you a lot.
Lori Glatsky posted a condolence
Monday, April 11, 2011
memories of time spent in your Ocean City home with Priscilla,Gen, and Janey.
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