Tribute Wall
Visitation at Funeral Home
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Monday, August 19, 2019
Kelley Funeral Home
125 Pitman Ave.
Pitman, New Jersey, United States
Visitation at Funeral Home
9:30 am - 10:15 am
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Kelley Funeral Home
125 Pitman Ave.
Pitman, New Jersey, United States
10:30 am
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish
161 Pitman Ave
Pitman, New Jersey, United States
Mildred and Shawn Moore lit a candle
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Mildred and Shawn Moore posted a condolence
Sunday, August 25, 2019
When Connie found out she had cancer, Shawn and I prayed each day Through the Miraculous Medal of Our Blessed Mother Mary that Connie would be cured and healed. We know Blessed Mother Mary answered our prayers with graces and we accepted, God's will be done. She was able to be here for almost another 2 years since finding out she had cancer,
YET AGAIN. To have her here with us a little longer, This was our Miracle! She fought the fight and carried a big cross until she was ready to go home to Heaven to be with Our Lord! SHE UNSELFISHLY STAYED HERE FOR US!
I have very happy Childhood memories. Mom and Daddie taught us our Faith and the importance of being Blessed with our siblings. Not just brothers and sisters, but friends. We may not always agreed with one another but always had each others back. As A child, Connie took care of me often, I can remember Connie comforting me as I suffered much with anxiety. Teaching me my prayers and helping me through my teenage years as I stayed with her often. When I was to Marry Shawn, she gave me her Rosaries that I cherish with all my heart and she helped make Our Wedding Day so extra Special! That’s the kind of person she always was, kindly caring for others. Connie was always close with the Blessed Mother Mary, she lived her Catholic Faith and for her Family. She was always an inspiration to me. I watched her struggle so much in life and I always admired how she would turn to God in everything. She was a role model to me and for so many of us.
When her fragile body could take no more, and she said she was ready to go Home with Our Lord, I selfishly wanted her to stay here on Earth with us. But I knew God would not come for her until she said, she was ready…
I had to accept those heartbreaking words in this last week. I would pray, Your will be done God. It hurt so much to see her suffering. When we last spoke and we gave each other love and goodbyes for now, I asked her to send me a yellow birdie when she gets to Heaven, she laughed and said a little sunshine, I said yes. but It has to be yellow, so I know it’s from you!
How fitting it is that Connie went home on the Feast Day of
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Another Great Saint with devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary, he is known as the Apostle of Consecration to Mary!
Connie loved animals especially her bird snowy and her sweet dog Basil, she strived to live a life like Saint Francis' prayer daily.
~Saint Francis of Assisi prayer~
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
Connie Adored her Husband Fred and was so proud of her Children, Stacy and Kristen, Our family and her loving Friends… Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you. Connie is now holding her Baby in Heaven with Snowy on her shoulder, along with Our Loving Mom, Daddie, Michael, Jerry, Drew, Sweet Grandmom and Our Daughter Angel, Fred's Mom Bea and many family and friends that she had meet on this Journey in her life.
Connie, Give them Our Love, Pray for us as we pray for you!
1 Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written: “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for THOSE WHO LOVE HIM!
You are now in Heaven, resting in Jesus' Loving Arms!!! No more pain or suffering, JUST HAPPINESS!!! We Love you Connie, Thank you for being Our Beautiful Sister, my best friend, my inspiration! We will always remember your smile shining like the Sun my dear sister,
You will be loving missed until we meet again
Saint Therese, Little Flower , Help us not to loose our Little way, Through Blessed Mother Mary we pray, JESUS I TRUST IN YOU !!!
Holy Family Pray for us
Maria Rodriguez lit a candle
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ashlie Bridegum posted a condolence
Sunday, August 18, 2019
My sweet and loving Aunt Connie, we have prayed for you as a family and now you are free from pain!
I am so grateful for all the memories I have with you. You were always there to give a hug and had just the right tune to sing to change my sadness into joy again.
When I was little, my Aunt Connie, Uncle Fred, and cousin Kristen welcomed me into their home while my family was going through an extremely tragic time in our lives. I was heartbroken and was so confused about my new living situation. I switched schools and states in a matter of days, I went from having my mom, dad, and sister with me everyday to seeing them on the weekends until we could be together again at my Aunt Linda and Uncle Jim's home, and my whole world felt turned upside down.
Aunt Connie tried to help me feel loved and wanted when my little brain thought I might have done something wrong to not be with MY family. I was so confused and heartbroken. Aunt Connie gave me structure and tenderness. She woke me up with joy while I got ready for school, brushed my hair, put the horrible "snap" clips in, and made me breakfast. She helped me with my homework and we sat down as a family to eat. Aunt Connie prayed with me and tried her best to keep me focused on reuniting again with my family.
When we moved away, she loved me from afar and squeezed my neck when I came home to visit. All my aunts have helped me throughout the years and I am so grateful for the bond these women have blessed my life with. The surprise of Aunt Connie coming to my wedding was even better three years ago and although there was much hustle and bustle, I felt so loved to have her to celebrate my future.
It is unimaginable the pain and frustration Aunt Connie has felt battling her fight once again, but the strength she had to offer up her pain and ask our loving mother Mary to hold her hand through it all is the most beautiful love.
Thank you for all your prayers, guidance, and sunshine. You are forever in my heart and I look forward to the day I hear you say "your squeezing too tight"!
I love you,
Katie Tidy (Neice) lit a candle
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Dearest Aunt Connie
You brought so much sunshine and love into so many people's lives.
A great friend to many and my amazing Aunt.
You touched so many people's hearts with your love and kindness. A smile that could light up the room.
Now reunited with your mum, dad and brothers, my dad included you can rest peacefully at last.
I will always remember when I was little watching a Doris Day movie with you and Great Grandmum, we were snuggled up on the sofa with a blanket. I felt so safe and blessed to have such a loving family.
From that moment on I collected my Doris Day movies and music tapes to cherish my memory.
It didn't matter that my sister's and I were your nieces living in England whom you rarely saw. You always welcomed us when we came to visit.
Mum remembers family meals with everyone gathered. And always making her feel welcome in each of your homes.
You were a very special lady Aunt Connie. I love you.
I'll be there in spirit as your loved ones say their final goodbyes at your service.
You were another beautiful spirit taken too soon from this life. But you leave a legacy of love behind you and so many happy memories.
Heaven has you now, So spread your wings and fly high Aunt Connie. We love you.
Your loving neice Katie.
(Thinking of all of my family in America and here in England. I am praying for a healing journey for us all in that we can help each other through our grief together to listen, to share and console)
The family of Constance M Swartz uploaded a photo
Friday, August 16, 2019
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Jen Thurston lit a candle
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Jen Thurston posted a condolence
Thursday, August 15, 2019
We are so sorry to hear of Connie's passing. My mom, Betty Jean, worked with Connie at the high school, so I had the privilege of meeting Connie and talking to her many times. She was such a nice, caring and genuine person. We wanted to send our thoughts and prayers to Connie's family. May she rest in peace.
With Love and Heartfelt Sympathy,
Jen and Sam Thurston
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125 Pitman Avenue
Pitman, NJ 08071
Phone: (856) 589-6308