Monday, July 23, 2018
I was Chick and Annamay's neighbor for many years growing up. When I was 12 years old, someone gave me a 12 foot wooden boat that Chick and I put a new transom on and made it a 9 foot sailboat. It worked in Alcyon Lake. He sold me three or four cars. The first car was a '49 Chevy and then he painted it for me, robin's egg blue. One night in a snow storm, Chick and my brother started out to pick me up in Grenloch in a new Buick but got stuck and had to walk back to Pitman. He let me drive a few of his boats so he could water ski. He and I made a pair of water skis. My mother, father and I went on vacation with Chick and Annamay to New York State. On summer nights, Chick would take me to Brown's Milkshakes on Rt. 130 after he got home from selling cars all day. He was a great neighbor.