Tribute Wall
Funeral Service
11:00 am
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Kelley Funeral Home, Pitman, NJ
125 Pitman Ave.
Pitman, New Jersey, United States
Donna Turner(Ortlip) posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
George and Terry,
I am so sorry to learn of your Mother's passing. She was such a sweet lady, with eyes and smiles that just lit up a room. Many good times sitting in the kitchen with Howard, Jean, Fos and your Mom laughing and laughing. Especially about the Maine hunting trips. Your parents were a big part of my life on Lincoln Ave. Take care and know that you and your families are in my prayers.
Bert Foster posted a condolence
Friday, June 28, 2013
My mother-in-law, my friend, I will miss you more than words can say. You had a heart as big as the sky. You were our rock, our place to be together and share holidays, birthdays and happy times. It will be difficult with out you but we will try to keep up your traditions starting with the 4th of July. We will cherish your memories forever.
Love, Bert
J Nunnally-Boyd posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
I am sorry to learn Betty Foster has passed. The loss of a loved one is very painful. I offer my deepest sympathy during this time of sorrow. I'd also like to share scripture that may bring comfort. Acts 17:24, 25 and 28 informs us: The God who made the world and all things in to all persons life and breath and all things. For by him we have life and move and exist. Rev 4:11 reads...You are worthy Jehovah to receive glory and honor and power. Here are a few among many promises made by him to give us hope of everlasting life. Rev 21:4 tells us...he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor out cry nor pain be any more. The former things have passed away. Acts 24:15 also tells Jehovah promises a resurrection of our loved ones. We must have faith in His promises. To help strengthen our faith, please also read Isaiah 33:24, Isaiah 55:11 and Isaiah 25:8.
JOYCE GREEN posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Betty was a friend and neighbor of the Green family for many years and our deepest sympathy is with the whole Foster family. Love, Joyce
LouLou posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Betty always had the brightest eyes and smile and that is how I will remember her! Will miss her very much. Love you Terri.
shirley luce blair posted a condolence
Monday, June 24, 2013
my brothers and i grew up with betty and kathryn on fernwood ave in pitman..we have great memories of them.. weplayed allkinds of games in the lot next to their house.we had great picnics where their father tom and the neighbors made vegetable grand father had a garden for the vegetables. if you would send me an email address i will send you a picture of betty and kathryn and my brothers at the shore.. we are getting old, my brother herschel is 88,i'm 86 and melvin is85.. shirley blair
125 Pitman Avenue
Pitman, NJ 08071
Phone: (856) 589-6308